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Business students making it happen with good old fashioned hard work and diligence

There is nothing more exciting to share than exciting news about the diligence and hard work of college students.  This post reflects the adrenalin shot that our students have given to our business fraternity organization, Phi Beta Lambda.  They held countless fundraisers of their own doing to generate the funds to participate in a statewide competition, not to mention the work they put into preparation and execution for the competition outside of their work schedules, class and homework obligations and family responsibilities.  Read on and find out about these extraordinary men and women!

Diane Wolfer, President, Beckfield College


Six business students and members of the Beckfield College Florence, KY Campus Phi Beta Lambda chapter competed in the Kentucky state conference competition April 11 – 12, 2014 at Georgetown College.   The following individuals participated in the noted competitions.

Allison Duechle                                 Business Ethics                                  Team

Devin Allmoslecher                         Business Ethics                                  Team

Kara Schulte                                       Business Ethics                                  Team

Ed Villaverde                                     Emerging Business Issues             Team

James Massengale                          Emerging Business Issues             Team

James Massengale                          Business Communication             Individual

Wayne Strickland                             Sales presentation                          Individual

Wayne Strickland                             Public Speaking                                 Individual



  • Ed Villaverde and James Massengale – 1st place, Emerging Business Issues
  • Allison Duechle, Devin Allmoslecher & Kara Schulte – 1st place, Business Ethics
  • Wayne Strickland – 1st place, Sales Presentation
  • James Massengale – 3rd pace, Business Communication
  • PBL Beckfield Chapter – 2nd place, Largest Percentage Increase In Membership
  • PBL Beckfield Chapter – 2nd place, Largest Number Increase In Membership


  • 12 schools attended
  • Schools represented – Beckfield College, Northern Kentucky University, Morehead St. University, Alice Lloyd College, Georgetown College, Kentucky Wesleyan University, Kentucky Christian University, Campbellsville University, Pikeville University, Madisonville Community & Technical College, West Kentucky Community & Technical College and Elizabeth Community & Technical College
  • 125 students participated

Next Steps for these students:

National Leadership Conference and Competition

June 24 – 27, 2014

Nashville, Tennessee

The importance of this national experience:

FBLA-PBL members have the competitive edge, as the best and brightest of FBLA and PBL convene to compete in leadership events, share their successes, and learn new ideas about shaping their career future through workshops and exhibits. This four-day conference is considered the pinnacle of the FBLA-PBL experience, especially for those running for national office. FBLA-PBL has forged partnerships with industry leaders to underwrite competitive events and scholarships for students achieving national ranking.


What did the students think about their experience?

Edward Villaverde/President

My experience at Phi Beta Lambda’s State Leadership conference was one of the best moments in my life. It gave us the opportunity to work as a team and compete against other Kentucky Colleges and Universities. With us taking first place in three events, it shows me that the level of education we receive at Beckfield College is equivalent to any other institution in the area. Now that we are headed to the National Leadership Conference, to compete against other PBL clubs across the nation, I am confident that we have a competitive edge. I am very proud to be able to represent Beckfield College not only at a state level but national as well.

James Massengale/ Vice-President

The Phi Beta Lambda leadership conference was an incredible experience for me. I had a great time, met some of Kentucky’s best and brightest business leaders, and built a stronger bond with my teammates. I was very proud of the skills and efforts of my teammates. Our collective performance showed me that Beckfield College offers as good, or better, an education as any institute of higher learning in Kentucky. I was very proud to represent my school, and I was ecstatic to bring home the hardware (trophy).

Allison Duechle/ Recorder

The SLC was a great team building experience.  Time, effort and focus were key to our success.  I have a great sense of accomplishment moving on to NLC.  I am proud to represent Beckfield College and Phi Beta Lambda.

Wayne Strickland/ Member

My experience at competition was awesome! Winning really gave me a boost of confidence in the things I am learning at Beckfield. I spent time preparing with my daughters and it felt good to be able to show them that when you set a goal and work towards it, that work will pay off.