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Why the Nursing Industry is Growing 

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - 3 Year BSN Program Badge - Beckfield College - Florence, KY

Why the Nursing Industry is Growing?

Is the nursing industry saturated already? Do we still need nurses to join the nursing industry to the nursing careers is not needed anymore? here are 5 reasons why the nursing industry is growing.

An Aging Population

By 2025, the Congressional Budget Office estimates a fifth of the national population will be older than 65. That is 12% more than the national geriatric population in 2000! The healthcare system will need to care for this aging population. Specifically, nurses will be needed to support this population, especially geriatric nurses.

Chronic Conditions are on the Rise

Chronic diseases are on the rise in the United States. For a variety of lifestyle and environmental reasons, 6 out of 10 adults in the US live with a chronic disease.1 4 out of 10 adults in the US have two or more chronic diseases. The treatment of chronic disease alone costs about $4.1 Trillion in annual healthcare costs. 

Telehealth Needs Nurses

The nursing industry has expanded as it has modernized. In 2021, 37% of US adults said they used Telehealth in the last 12 months.2 The telehealth industry opens up more jobs by hiring nurses. 

Holistic Care is the Future

The Millennial population has made a great push for healthcare to become more holistic.3 Holistic care prioritizes the need for medical professionals to evaluate a person as a whole and not an isolated part or symptom. As the most trusted profession in the United States, Nurses resonate with patients as more holistic providers.4 Nurses are often able to work directly with patients for longer periods of time, establishing a more personal relationship than the doctor-patient relationship may be. Nurses are also frequently patient advocates in healthcare settings as a result of their opportunity to better connect with patients.  

AI in the Nursing Industry in the Next 10 Years

Nursing involves the mechanical skills of organization, detail orientation, the ability to keep up with a fast-paced environment, and multi-tasking skills, but equally essential to nursing is the ability to be empathetic, compassionate, and attentive to patient care. Nursing cannot be replaced by machines or automated systems because nursing is a human skill. It is the ability to support someone’s healthcare while treating them with the dignity and compassion that all human beings deserve. A computer will never be able to accomplish that. 

Are you ready to enroll in nursing school? check out our ADN program or BSN program. Already a nurse? check out our RN to BSN track for advancement opportunities. 

More on nursing careers


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